Wednesday, October 20, 2010

43: Lords and Agents of The Night

The day is coming to it's end.
Dusk is taking over the day. 
Then after a little while, 
The Night conquers the dusk.
Then the dusk turns into Night
As Darkness slowly creeps in
With stealthy feet.

Now that the Night has taken over.
Darkness is everywhere.
Only partially lit by the moon's pale light.
Patches of scattered mad made little lights -
All over the land.
Neon lights flashing brightly,
In a limited radius of space.

With the Darkness they start their day.
The Night is their day and the day is their - 
They do at Night what everyone else does -
During the daylight.
For they are Nocturnals
And they live in the dark -
Prowl in the dark.
And loves the dark.
The Lords of the Night -
The Vampires. 
The Agents of the Night - 
The Call Center Agents.


  1. and the callcenter agents too hehehe

  2. Ay wen! hehehe!!! I didn't think of that. hahaha

  3. something wrong with FB my friend. i can;t log in. maybe system error. ill sleep ahead. hope you read this. i cant update either with your newer post.

  4. it's okay padli. no problem. read your other comments. thank you.


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